Our mission is to transform lives into the likeness of Jesus Christ!
What is Jesus Like?
RiverTown Church exists “to transform lives into the likeness of Jesus Christ.” Answering the question, “What is Jesus Like?” we observe that Jesus held opposing values in tension throughout the course of his earthly life. Believe, Belong, and Become are the tensions which guide our journey of transformation.
God’s Presence
As Jesus displayed God’s presence, we are living vessels for God’s Presence.
Demonstrated by… gathering together in eager expectation to experience God’s supernatural presence. We meet people where they’re at, anticipating God will show up supernaturally in their lives. We drink deeply from the well of God’s presence to quench the thirst of a world longing for someone safe and something real. Gatherings are safe environments to experience the supernatural. (Colossians 1:15, 2 Timothy 2:21, 1 Corinthians 6:19)
Sacrificial Discipleship
As Jesus learned obedience and sacrifice, we surrender ourselves in discipleship.
Demonstrated by… a willingness to leave anything behind to follow Christ.. We give enthusiastically of our time, talent, and treasure and part ways with our rights and self-will. We exchange self-serving habits to cultivate new habits of private worship, prayer, and studying God’s Word. Discipleship has to do with what is gained, but even more with what is left behind. Disciples leave it all. (Hebrews 5:8, Mathew 16:24, Luke 9:23, Mark 8:34, John 12:25)
Open Community
As Jesus lived in community with God’s people, we go out of our way to live in community.
Demonstrated by… choosing community over convenience. We intentionally seek commonality despite diverse races, genders, and backgrounds. Transparency, humility, and compassion guide our communion as we speak the truth in love and see weakness and failure as showcases for God’s Power. Our shared loyalty to Jesus and scriptural essentials enable us to extend freedom in the non-essentials. Life is better connected. (Galatians 3:28, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Ephesians 4:15, 1 Peter 5:5)
Selective Circles
As Jesus related to others with no regard for externals, we select our relational circles carefully.
Demonstrated by… selecting uncomfortable, healthy relationships over comfortable unhealth. We love the unlovely and welcome the broken. We enjoy long-term, reciprocal relationships. We embrace hard words from wise leaders. Our relational circles of those who walk behind, beside, and before us, are filled with growth-producing, value-adding relationships guided by God-honoring boundaries. Healthy relationships aren’t accidental. (2 Corinthians 5:16, Mathew 10:16, Romans 12:9-13)
Gifted Service
As Jesus came to serve, we find meaning and develop our identity through service.
Demonstrated by… valuing the contribution of every person. Honoring the unique giftedness of every individual, all of our ministry needs are fulfilled in unity. Service is both an overflow of who we are, and a catalyst to make us who God called us to be. We value people for who they are above what they do, and compel them to step out and do something to discover who they are. Saved people serve people. (Mathew 20:28, 1 Corinthians 12, Mark 9:35)
Outward Risk
As Jesus came to seek and save the lost, we are motivated by a passion to reach lost people.
Demonstrated by… personally and corporately focusing time, attention, and resources toward those who are far from a relationship with Christ locally, regionally, and globally. We redeem the cultures of the world as expressions of His creation to be used for His purposes and contextualize our ministry within the setting to which God has called us. Found people find people. Faithfulness means risk. (Luke 19:10, Mathew 25, 1 Corinthians 9:22)
Our Vision:
Revealing God’s love and transforming power to the whole metro region.
The lives of the unchurched, dechurched, and overchurched generations will be able to find out what it means to have their hearts opened to a real relationship with Jesus Christ. We dream of one day welcoming thousands of members into a growing fellowship that meets needs and heals hurts while learning to laugh, love, and live with a passion for God and compassion for people.
Inviting our friends, neighbors, and families to experience real faith for real life.
We dream of a community where it is normal to see people exchange lives filled with sin and darkness for lives of peace and joy. We can see a mighty river of people coming to Christ and then quickly seeking to bring others to Him.
Valuing the Contribution of every person.
We believe in seeing people for who they can be through a relationship with Jesus. Simply put, everyone matters to God. This means that we have a place for everyone and that no one should fall through the cracks.
Engaging the needs of others while expecting nothing in return.
We will measure spiritual maturity by the ability to love the unlovely. We dream of a compassionate outreach to the hopeless, helpless, hurting, depressed, and disillusioned people in our region with a big heart and real answers from the word of God. We see God’s sword of truth cutting through the demonic chains of our age and delivering people out of bondage to sin and into the loving arms of our Lord.
Reproducing disciples through the intentional life transformation process.
We envision an institute that trains and equips our members to live lives pleasing to God. We dream of an ever expanding network of Home Teams where people can develop real relationships in the context of biblically functioning communities. We see our members becoming ministers and leaders who model life in Christ.
Together, building a base of ministry designed with the people of the community in mind.
We dream of one day building a campus located on hundreds of acres of land. We can see a beautiful facility that inspires people to enter into a new way of living and attracts them to the place where they can find it.
Overcoming difficulties to unleash the powerful potential God has placed in our lives.
We see people unlocking their gifts and talents in all areas of life. Lives of purpose, meaning, and significance will be found by people seeking God with all their hearts. We dream of inviting men, women, boys, and girls to discover what God will do through lives totally committed to Him.
Winning the battle of our nation’s cities by sending out trained church planting missionaries.
We can see a great movement of church planting churches multiplying throughout other parts of Columbus, Phenix City, Fort Benning, the region, the nation, and the world. We dream of igniting a brush fire of church planting churches that will unite with other mounting movements and sweep across the world to accomplish the great commission before the return of our Lord.
Never missing an opportunity to become more like Jesus Christ.
We dream of seeing this mission come to life in a structure that maximizes our heart for ministry and minimizes maintenance. We see the development of ministries that reach from the youngest child to the last breath of old age. Every decision will be measured against whether or not it results in the lives in our church becoming more like Jesus Christ.