Last week when I was picking up Graham, our six year old son, from the last night of “QUEST” Vacation Bible School one of the boys in his class yelled out something I will never forget. As I grabbed Graham’s hand and we were hurrying out to the car I heard Graham’s new friend scream out in surprise from the classroom door, ” Hey Graham, Is Pastor David YOUR DAD???”
Graham just turned and let out the simple and profound one word answer… “Yeah!” as we were walking away. I suddenly realized that the other little boy actually knew who I was, but he didn’t know that the man his family had chosen to be their Pastor had a little boy just like him. The flash of wonder on the other little guy’s face and the familiar twinkle in Graham’s eye let me know that we just had just moved into the zone of six-year-old revelation. …Pastor’s can be Daddys too! All I have to say is, “I AM SO GLAD IT’S TRUE!”
Kids can say so much with such few words. I love it!
As we approach Father’s Day I am reminded that too many marriages and families are in deep trouble these days and dads need help. Now! This week God is giving me one of the strongest messages of encouragement to share with Dads I can ever remember. I am counting (and praying) down the hours from now until the 9:30 and 11:00 Fathers Day Worship Services on Sunday Morning! I am also inviting every dad I know and I boldly ask you to do the same.
Dads matter! Most Dads feel overwhelmed and undertrained for their role. We are praying God will help us inject huge doses of help and hope into every Dad and Granddad who joins us this weekend.
If you have a picture of your Dad or Grandad, or of you and him together, then I would love the chance to share some of those in tribute to your family on the screens during my sermon this Sunday. Simply attach it or take a picture of it and attach it to an email and sent it to me at I would also love to have a sentence or two from or about him to go with it. Quotes by themselves without pictures will also work great too!
To the Glory Of Our Father In Heaven,
Pastor David Rathel